My Brood


Meet the loves of my life! Daisy (a Pekingese) and Cotton (a Blue Heeler). They are full of energy and have been enjoying the new babies we’ve added to our family!


We have 6 chickens. I adore them! From what I can tell at this point we have 4 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Turken, and 1 random brown chicken. I have no clue what kind he is, but his name is Rosebud. My sweet little 6 year old neighbor thought that was a fitting name. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that #1 I’m pretty sure Rosebud is a boy and #2 I’m not down with naming the chickens! So- Rosebud it is. All the others are stuck being called little chick chick.

Speaking of the little chickens, they got out today! Not just out of the coop. Out of the yard! My neighbor sent a text around noon saying all 6 of the babies were in her backyard. I was panicking with images of her trying to herd them back into my yard as the animal control truck drove by…thankfully, the crisis was averted and the bitties were safely returned to their coop!

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Angela L. said,

    What cute little Turduckins!! I’m dropping off that truckload of rabbits you ordered this afternoon…

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